Play Online Games with PC as Console and Phone as Gamepad: AirConsole

AirConsole is a free online gaming console that works entirely like the standard video gaming console to play free online games. It gives you a chance to play many single-player and multiplayer games like racing, arcade, sports, and so forth on your browser. Yet, the best thing is that you needn’t bother with any equipment like the PlayStation or Xbox to play these games. All you need is a cell phone, a PC, and an active network connection. Now, while you play the online games, AirConsole will fill in as a screen of the gaming console and your cell phone will be the gamepad.

After you connect your cell phone with AirConsole, it essentially transforms it into a gamepad which you can use to control the gaming activities. You can connect multiple Android cell phones and iPhone to play multiplayer games on a single screen.


How to Play Online Games with PC as Console and Phone as Gamepad:

At first, browse AirConsole on your PC, and you will see a Start button on the screen. Click on the button to start using AirConsole.

When you start the AirConsole, a code will consequently generate to connect your cell phones. In your cell phone, open AirConsole in any browser and enter the code to connect. Recall that, you can connect unlimited number of cell phones with the same code to play online games on a single screen.

After that, your cell phone will transform into a gamepad utilizing which you can control the AirConsole screen on your PC. That implies you can utilize your cell phone to explore games, choose games, and also play games.

In the browser, all the accessible games can be seen in different classifications. Essentially utilize your connected cell phone to explore through the games. When you need to play a game, navigate to it utilizing the arrow buttons and tap the “Select” button on your cell phone.

After selecting a game, the game will begin on your PC browser. Your cell phone will turn into the gamepad with all the important options and buttons for that specific game. That implies the gamepad changes naturally as required for different game types.

You can browse all the single player and multiplayer games supported by AirConsole and play them with no bother in your browser for free. Group up with your companions to contend and play multiplayer games on a single screen.


AirConsole is a remarkable online stage which functions as a gaming console for you to play numerous fun games. No more utilization of real gamepads, as you can basically transform your cell phone into a gamepad. To begin playing games, all you need is a PC and your cell phone. You can likewise connect multiple cell phones at the same time to play multiplayer games. Try it out and you’ll adore it without a doubt.

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A passionate blogger. Loves Table Tennis, GOT, Guitar, Singing, PC Games, and the People around him.

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