How to Stop Videos from Auto Playing in YouTube

Here, we will see how to stop videos from auto playing in YouTube. YouTube has concocted this new feature of Autoplay, where the following video in the rundown gets played consequently after 10 seconds. This is decent on the grounds that you don’t need to click on the following video to play it. It consequently continues playing the following video in the rundown when the one you are viewing gets over. Be that as it may, it can bother too as this way you would wind up watching consecutive videos and waste your precious time. So what should be done is, the autoplay feature should be disabled. Which is quite simple, you will acknowledge in a moment.

When you are finished viewing a video on YouTube, you will see the title of the following video in the rundown and a “Black” circle with a “Play” button under it. What’s more, you will see a “White” timer going around the circle as visible in the below screen capture. The timer takes around 10 seconds to finish, toward the end of which the following video in the rundown is played.

How to Stop Videos from Auto Playing in YouTube?

Step 1: Open YouTube and play any video you want to watch.

Step 2: In the player window, take a look at the base right corner. You will see a “Settings” icon, now click this icon. This will open up a popup window as demonstrated below.

Step 3: The first option here is “Autoplay” with a slider switch. Autoplay can without much of a stretch be turned on or off from here.

Another approach to stop videos from auto playing in Youtube:

Step 1: While you are viewing a video take a look at the rundown of up next videos on the right. At the upper right-hand corner of this rundown, you will see an “Autoplay” option with a slider switch. This can be seen in the beneath screenshot.

Step 2: From here, you can turn the “Autoplay” feature on or off.


As I stated, it’s simple to stop videos from auto playing in YouTube. On the off chance that you don’t like this YouTube feature, then simply proceed and disable it effortlessly. What’s more, when you do require this feature, it can also be enabled with ease.



A passionate blogger. Loves Table Tennis, GOT, Guitar, Singing, PC Games, and the People around him.

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