How to Create a Secret Group on Facebook

Facebook has recently rolled out many new features including Slideshow, Do You Know, and so forth. This time they have introduced another feature which they call “Secret Group”. This feature lets you create a group and share photos and messages that only you and the group can see. Well, actually this feature was available earlier as well, but now they highlighted it in a standalone feature.

You might be thinking how is it different from closed groups on Facebook. Well, the Closed and Secret groups on Facebook appear like they ought to be genuinely similar. But, they are not. The closed groups can be seen by the general users, while secret groups can’t be seen. In the event that you make a closed group, its name, its members, and its depiction can be seen by general users or public—fundamentally everything except for the posts in the group. This could be helpful for a group that needs to make the deception of selectiveness, however, isn’t really that vital or important.

A Secret group is the most secure one among all the types of group that you can create on Facebook including Open and Closed. The only users who can see the group and its members are the users who are the part of the group. To the general users, secret groups are actually invisible, so this is the kind of group you should use for your secret photo sharing and messages.

So, here in this guide, I will tell you how to exactly create a Secret Group on Facebook.

How to Create a Secret Group on Facebook?

Creating a Secret Group is very straightforward as Facebook has added a separate tab for that on the official mobile app. The first step which you must follow is to update the Facebook app to the latest version.

When the app is updated, open it and there will be the new “Secret Group” icon at the top.

Now, you can select this icon and tap on the Create button to create a new Secret Group.

When you tap the button, it will prompt you to select the group members from your friend’s list. You can just tap and select members. After selecting the members, click on the Create button again and select OK on the popup.

Now, the Secret group will be created and you can share photos and post messages secretly. The posts can only be seen by the members of the group.

You can also open the “Group Info” section to see member request, reported posts and comments, edit group settings, and much more.


Group security and privacy is difficult to figure out, however, simple to change. It’s quite surprising to discover that a closed group is totally open to all Facebook users, so knowing the difference in the groups could help spare you from future Facebook cumbersomeness and used humiliation. Create a Secret Group right away.



A passionate blogger. Loves Table Tennis, GOT, Guitar, Singing, PC Games, and the People around him.

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