How to Turn Off Network Discovery in Windows 10

In this article, I will walk you through the steps required to turn off Network Discovery in Windows 10. One fascinating feature of Windows 10 is auto network discovery. Helpful for locally connected PCs, this component automatically enables your PC to check other connected devices to the same network (and the other way around). This can be extremely advantageous when sharing files among networked or connected devices, yet it can likewise be somewhat unsettling from the privacy point of view.

Worry not, as Windows 10 gives you an inbuilt option to turn off automatic network discovery for both private and public network profiles. So, take a look at this article to perceive how you can do that in Windows 10.

Also Read:

How to Turn Off Network Discovery in Windows 10?

Disabling automatic network discovery in Windows 10 is very easy and a straightforward method. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open Control Panel on your Windows 10 PC and click on “Network and Sharing Center”.

Step 2: The Network and Sharing Center assists you to change everything without exception in regards to your PC’s network connectivity. Now, on the left side click on the “Change advanced sharing settings” option.

Step 3: Nearly there. The following screen will give you a chance to tinker with the Network Discovery settings of all the network profiles which are active. Now, open the options of the network profile that you need to change, and under the “Network Discovery” section, select the “Turn off network discovery” option. Tap the “Save Changes” button when you are done. Look at the screen capture underneath:

And, we’re done. Starting from now, your PC won’t have the ability to see the other connected devices, and then again, won’t be discoverable to the other devices too.


The feature of automatic discovery of networked devices is an extremely helpful option of Windows 10. Be that as it may, it can likewise be a security and privacy issue. In any case, on account of the basic method plot above, you can without much of an effort turn it off. Give it a shot, and let me comprehend what you think in comments.



A passionate blogger. Loves Table Tennis, GOT, Guitar, Singing, PC Games, and the People around him.

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