Evie is an Online Chat Bot to Talk to a Robot Girlfriend

Artificial intelligence today has gone so far and beyond. It is being used widely in the field of virtual assistants and other expert systems. One of the main use of artificial intelligence is in natural language processing. And thus comes the concept of chatbots. There are many chatbots that you can use but I will here talk about Evie. Evie is an online chatbot to talk to a robot girlfriend. It is an outstanding online chatbot that you can use with your voice as well as by typing messages manually. The intelligence level of this bot is what I really like after Google Assistant and Cortana. In most of the cases, it replies with the most relevant answer and I really enjoyed talking to it.

Evie is a self-hosted chatbot that you can talk to. You can almost talk about anything to her and she will reply with the most relevant answer. You can talk to her like a girlfriend and I am sure you will enjoy talking with her. Apart from simple talking, you can do simple things. Also, it was able to give answers when I talk about TV shows. However, in some of the commands, it wasn’t able to produce the satisfactory answer. But overall this is the only bot which was able to satisfy my needs.

Using Evie, an Online Chat Bot and a Robot Girlfriend:

To use Evie, you don’t have to do the heavy lifting. Just have to open the main website of the bot and start talking. Another very nice thing about this boy that I like is, it supports voice commands. And it can identify what users say to her very precisely. After taking the text from you, it immediately processes that and responds quickly. The overall user interface is simple and there is an animated girl’s face that won’t bore you while you’re using the bot.

evie chat bot online virtual girlfriend

You can talk to her about anything and she will reply you with joy. And once you start the conversation, it keeps going on unless you stop it. You can ask her to tell a joke and you can even tell her yours. However, this bot does not save the history of the commands that you have given her so far. When the session expires, all the conversation goes away with that.

evie chat bot answering to questions

Evie can be your best friend when you are feeling lonely. For time pass you can use it and ask funny things and get replies instantly. It uses a huge database that it has built-in over 10 years. Before replying to anything, it looks that in the database and shows the most appropriate answer.

The Bottom Line:

Normal people often use very high level of chaat bots like Cortana, Google assistant, or Siri. But if you want to use a free online tool which also acts as a nice NLP bot, then you can call Evie. Evie can reply instantly whatever you ask her. And not to mention that she is very intelligent too when it comes to responding with the most appropriate reply. So you’re feeling bored? Get up and open Evie’s homepage and start talking to her right now.

Shane Watson

Shane Watson

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