How To Convert A Message, URL, Phone Number To A QR Code

Ever wanted to share your bio, info or any other information to someone in a unique way? QR code is a good option for that. And that’s why today I will tell you how to convert a message, URL, phone number to a QR code. To do this, there is an online service known as QR Code Generator. The website has a very well polished UI and it lets you create a QR code using a piece of text, an URL, or a mobile number. You can easily generate a QR code corresponding to any of your info. And then, it lets you export the generated QR code as an image.

How To Convert A Message, URL, Phone Number To A QR Code

After getting the image of the QR code, you can easily upload it anywhere. Or, you can share it with anyone you like. Definitely, this is a unique way of distributing your personal number, social links, or any other information via QR code. So, go through the following text to learn more about QR Code Generator.

How to Convert a Message, URL, Phone number to a QR code?

QR Code Generator is a very easy to use website that lets you generate a QR code of the various information that you provide. There’s nothing much you have to do in order to create a QR code. Just visit the website of QR Code Generator and then choose the tab from the web interface using which you want to create QR code.

generating qr

Now enter the desired information and then the corresponding QR code will be displayed. And after getting your QR code, you can export it as an image or vector graphic. In the below snap, I have created a QR code of a message. And I will download it as a PNG image.

QR_ created_secret_message


So, that’s all you have to do convert a message, URL, phone number to a QR code. QR Code Generator is a good website that can easily create the desired QR code for you in just a few seconds. So, go ahead and create your own QR code and do what you like with it.

Shane Watson

Shane Watson

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