If you’ve been a Linux user for a long time then you know that how easy it is to install applications and other dependencies using the terminal. And if you want the same thing in Windows, then I am here with a surprise. There is a free package manager is available for Windows too. The package manager is called Chocolatey or Choco. It works like Linux’s APT-Get or PACMAN. Byju’s learning a simple command the landlord packages and their updates in Windows 10 computer. However in case of Windows, chocolaty runs with the help of PowerShell. You can install, update, and uninstall applications in an easy way. The minimum requirement for Chocolatey is PowerShell version 2 or higher. And if you have it, then you are good to go.
Chocolatey is a simple yet powerful tool to install different packages in Windows. Current tech support sandstorm Limited packages but in future, there will be more. You can install packages like VLC, docker, Java, and a lot of others. This is useful for quick installation of software and apps silently in your computer.
Installing Applications using Command Line in Windows 10 Like Linux:
It is very simple to setup Chocolatey on your computer. After you have installed it, you can always use it to install the other packages and software with just one command. As I mentioned it earlier that chocolatey using PowerShell of Windows to do its work. So first of all open PowerShell and run this simple command.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
Now, the next step is to install Chocolatey in your computer. In the same partition window in which you entered the above command, simply run this command again to setup Choco.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
At last finally, the choco is ready for its services. To install a package, simply run the commands like this.
choco install "package name"
In the above screenshot, you can see how choco installs software and applications in Windows 10 silently. This is a great package manager for Windows and if I am not wrong I am seeing the future of the software distributions like this. For the full documentation and available packages, you can see here.
The Bottom Line:
I always wanted to have it to make choco in my Windows computer. Has been using Linux for a while really enjoy installing applications and software using the terminal. I was hoping for the same thing for Windows and then I came across Chocolatey and it catch my eyes. I’m using it right now and I am loving its simplicity. You can also usually used chocolatey to install software and applications in Windows like a package manager in Linux.