How to Identify Plagiarized Content by Using Web Apps

In this post, we will talk about how to identify plagiarized content by using web apps also some tips to avoid plagiarism. Rising up the ladder of search results or getting loads of traffic is simply out of the question if you neglect the issue of plagiarism. Plagiarized content is rolling all over the internet, which makes it difficult for you to make a mark online.

You cannot identify plagiarized content with the drop of your hat unless you take advantage of specialized web apps. Before moving towards the detection of plagiarism, let’s first discuss some basics to build up understanding.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is copy-pasting someone’s content without their consent. Moreover, a plagiarist does not bother to give credit to the original author.

identify Plagiarized Content

Passing yourself off as the author is actually kidnapping the authorship from the real person. Reasonably, the etymology of plagiarism comes from the Latin word Plagiarius meaning “kidnapper.”

It is similar to cheating. Mainly it appears in your web content over the internet and has severe implications for your website on which you have put that content.

Why you must avoid plagiarism?

It is easy to take a sneak peek and copy your competitor’s content mindlessly. Yet, it is difficult to bear the brunt of Google penalties.

Since you want to expand your business by increasing your visibility on the internet, so you need to take account of plagiarism in your content.

Being the largest search engine in the industry, Google takes extreme care in providing the best services to its users.

It won’t afford plagiarism in any case because it won’t like to lose its users. If you are a user, you want the best results.

For instance, you open a website ranked on the top position, but while reading you see that the content is irrelevant to your query.

You will immediately leave the website and will distrust Google’s findings. Therefore, to cope with such issues, Google has tightened the ranking protocols so that the best websites get the deserved ranking position.

To do this, it employs high-tech, AI-based algorithms that gauge your content’s quality based on several SEO ranking factors. Unique content is one of them.

Panda algorithm is specially designed to track down plagiarized content and penalize that website immediately.

Hence, plagiarism immensely impacts your ranking. If you have taken care of all the ranking factors but still couldn’t improve your ranking then it’s high time you check your content’s similarity.

Because it may be a primary cause of your low traffic. Secondly, copied content undermines the user experience. A typical reader expects your content to be problem-solving and mind-opening.

However, duplicate content does not invoke interest. Knowing that you have plagiarized content, your reader will immediately leave your website, causing your website’s bounce rate to increase.

Hence, it is mandatory to take your content creation process seriously.

How can you identify plagiarized content using web apps?

There can be many answers to this question but the most relevant and to the point is to write the content by yourself.

Writing in your own words brushes away the doubts of plagiarism. Yet, sometimes you are still ambivalent about whether your written content contains plagiarism or not.

So in that case, you can check plagiarism with a similarity checker. And the good thing is that you can get one online, as the internet is full with such free web apps.

A plagiarism checker web app scans your document and finds similarities all over the internet. It then gives you a percentage of plagiarized content.

Find one that works best for you and use it to scan your documents.

Tips to avoid Plagiarism:

Copied content isn’t something irreducible. Therefore, don’t be despondent to see duplicate content in your text.

You can follow the following tips to get away with it easily. Apply all of them or use some of them according to your needs.

1. Research before writing:

Creating a blog post that gets tons of traffic isn’t a piece of cake. You have to put effort while producing unique content.

Majorly, if you want to sustain a higher position in SERPs, you need to bring your research skills into practice.

It’s clear under the sun that you aren’t the only one writing on a particular niche. So, you need to look different from others.

The only way you can outrun your competitors is to add several unique ideas to your text. You can do this by researching the topic before writing on it.

Facts and figures supplement your blog’s content and help you think out of the box. It also keeps duplicate content at bay because you aren’t copying someone.

Rather, you are writing the content of your own. Thus, researching can save you from falling into the plagiarism trap.

2. Paraphrase your content:

After getting ideas from multiple sources, the next step is to start writing. You have to be unique with your words so the reader never gets bored while reading.

Try to keep your content original and to the point. Keep the text free of plagiarism and never dare to add the lines of any other author or otherwise, you may face multiple consequences.

If you are unable to make the content unique or you are short of words, then paraphrasing online is another option.

A writer has to upload/paste the content in rephrase tool. In few seconds, he will get a new version of the content with different structure.

These online tools have huge synonym database. So the words get changed with their synonyms and generete an alternative artilce with same meaning.

3. Add citations/Quoting/Linking:

Citing your content helps you in your academic as well as blog content. It is considered good practice in writing a research paper.

It does not only mean to use different citation manuals like APA, Chicago, or Harvard, rather you can also quote the sources or link to the websites.

It gives credibility to your content and also depicts that you have researched well. Another important benefit of adding citations to your content is developing reasoning to create new ideas.

When you link to the sources or quote the original source, you are telling the user that you haven’t written the content but you acknowledge the original reader and want to supplement your article with these sources.

Therefore, it does not come under the banner of plagiarism and you should use it due to its multiferous benefits.

Final words:

Plagiarism finder web app is the talk of the town nowadays.

You may find one on the internet. Using such a tool, you easily measure your content’s quality and predict how well it performs on the internet.



A passionate blogger. Loves Table Tennis, GOT, Guitar, Singing, PC Games, and the People around him.

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