Focusbook: Be Productive on Facebook and Focus on your Work

Does it happen with you too that you pen Facebook for some reason and then after distracting by the news feed, you go with the flow? This kills your time. And the task that you had to do remains in notions. That is why you need to be reminded again and again in order to complete your work. And in this post, I will tell you about how to be productive on Facebook and focus on your work. To accomplish this, I will use a Chrome extension, Focusbook to demonstrate it. This extension asks your goal and it will keep reminding you while you are using Facebook.

Focusbook shows notifications periodically and keeps you reminding your goal. And it keeps showing the notifications until you close Facebook. This is really a helpful Chrome extension that allows you to keep a focus on your work. And you really need it if Facebook newsfeed distracts you easily. In my advice, you can also try to clean Facebook newsfeed to make yourself more attentive.

How to Be Productive on Facebook and Focus on your Work?

Focusbook Chrome browser extension lets you keep a focus on your work. You just have to type the name of the task you need to do on Facebook and it will keep reminding you about that. Also, if you do not complete the task has to be done, then it will cover the whole screen with a notification curtain.

Add Focusbook extension to Chrome and after that, you can start using it. Visit Facebook and it will ask you to enter the name of that task. So, provide the task name and complete the first step.

focusbook specify task

Now, as the time passes it will keep reminding you that you have some task to do. And unless you complete the task and close Facebook, it will keep reminding you again and again. And finally, if you don’t complete the task for quite a long time, then it will put a curtain on the interface.

focusbook reminder focusbook hide facebook screeen

You can always use Facebook at work and can be productive as well. And Focusbook extension will help you keep a focus on your work.


Foucusbook is a good remedy if you often get distracted b Facebook newsfeed during work. This Chrome plugin allows you to boost your productivity. Also, using this extension will make you more attentive and you will remain less attached to it.

Shane Watson

Shane Watson

I am in complete......

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