Augmented Reality And Its Types

Augmented reality is a view of the environment in real-time where the computer generates augmented or simulated sensory input such as graphics, video, sound, or GPS data. Augmented Reality integrates digital information with the user’s environment in real-time.

Augmented Reality (AR) is expressed as either augmentation of one’s current perception or an entirely new sensory input. Different types of augmented reality systems are being used in architecture, engineering, and construction; this includes mixed Reality and Web AR.

One interesting instance is being able to show information about the environment in places where it would take considerable time and investment to demonstrate practically. This is usually done by projecting layers of information on a real-time view of the environment.

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1) Augmented Reality (AR) – is a relatively new technology that most people are starting to know more about. This type of AR uses computer-generated images to overlay on top of the real world. For example, a person could use the camera in their phone to see the world through their screen, which would show them trees and other buildings with dinosaurs walking around in their backyard.

2) Mixed Reality (MR) – this type of MR uses computer-generated images to overlay on top of the real world and also includes physical objects in the scene. Mixed Reality is a new form of computer-generated images that overlay the real world.

This type of MR is still new, but it’s expected to be mainstream by 2020. The most widespread use of this technology is using MR to allow customers to try on clothes in a virtual dressing room with zero fear or uncertainty of what they will look like.

3) WEB AR – Technology creates experiences enriched by the surroundings, bringing people and things together in real life. Web augmented Reality is a new way to interact with the internet. Web AR is a new technology that allows users to interact with the Web through augmented Reality.

Web Augmented Reality is different from mobile AR because it’s browser-based and can be accessed on any device. Web Augmented Reality provides a new and immersive way for people to experience the Web while still connected to the internet.

The first Web Augmented Reality was created in 2010, and it took almost seven years for that technology to become more popular. In 2017, a leading market competitor released their web Augmented Reality; this allowed developers to create apps for iOS devices to enable users to interact with digital content in the physical world.

Web AR is a new technology that allows users to interact with the Web more immersive. It is an extension of the internet, and it can be used for many purposes. The user will see and interact with 3D objects online, just like in the real world.

This will allow them to experience an object as if it was there; this will be more than mere description or photo online. The use of Web AR is on the rise, and it’s only predicted to increase as time goes on. It’s a cost-effective tool that can be used for many purposes.

Web Augmented Reality is the future of interactive art. It allows users to explore immersive, interactive experiences through their phone or computer.

Such experiences are becoming more popular as they allow people to experience artwork in new and innovative ways. Further, Web Augmented Reality can be used to create interactive art installations and exhibitions accessible from anywhere in the world.

Shane Watson

Shane Watson

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