A Twitter Bot for Everyone to Auto Favorite Tweets of a Specific Hashtag

Twitter bots are very common these days and today I found an amazing Twitter bot that can favorite tweets with a particular hashtag. I love Twitter automation and the bot I have found is very useful. You can run it from your terminal of your Linux, Windows, and MAC computer. It encounters tweets containing a specific hashtag specified by you. It fetches all those tweets and favorites them. After that, those tweets will appear on your Twitter account. The bot that can do that has a name, TwitterAutoFavorite. It connects to the Twitter API and does its work. You don’t have to touch anything when you are using it. It will automatically look for the tweets and will like them.

To use the bot, I will use in the following post, you will need Python installed on your computer. I will try to be as simple as it can be. You need any technical assistance to run this bot at your end. If you ever used programming, very good. Otherwise, you may find it pretty complex, but it is very simple to use deploy this bot on your Linux, Windows, Mac. If you have interest in Twitter tools, then you may consider reading about how to take a screenshot of tweets, shrink long tweets, stream Twitter with a specific keyword, mass dm on Twitter.

A Twitter Bot for Everyone to Auto Favorite Tweets of a Specific Hashtag

Before starting with this Twitter bot, the first steps to create an application. The application will be used to connect to your Twitter account and access tweets to favorite them. You can look at this article to see how to create and Twitter application and obtain API keys and tokens. You can also see this video to understand that.

Now, clone this GitHub repository on your computer. Extract all the contents of the repository and you will see that there are two different files namely; keys.py and bot.py.

Open ‘keys.py’ file and then insert the API credentials that you have obtained by creating an application on Twitter. Place the access key, access secret, access token, and token secret on the correct places.

insert the API keys for twitter bot

Now open ‘bot.py’ file and navigate to the line 15. This line of code actually calls the Twitter API for tweets of a specific hashtag. Simply replace the hashtag with your own. By default, it will fetch 5 tweets and will favorite them. But you can change that number to any number you like. Changed account parameter and send the value according to your requirement. Now save changes in the file and exit.

edit the configuration of twitter bot

I assume Python has installed. So, open the terminal or command prompt and then install “tweepy” by typing this command. While executing this command, make sure that you have root access.

install tweepy for auto liker twitter bot

At this time, you are all set to deploy the bot. Just type “python bot.py” undeletable search for the tweets having the specified hashtag and will mark them as favorite. It will favorite exactly the same number of tweets that you have already specified in the file. And the best part is on the terminal it will leave the tweet ID of the tweets that it has favorited.

Run twitter bot to favorite tweets

You will only have to hard work at the first time when you run it. Once you have all set it up on your computer you can run it anytime anywhere. You won’t have to reconfigure it again and again. But do remember that twitter API has certain limits, so I will request you to not to abuse the Twitter API by liking a large number of tweets at the same time.

The Bottom Line:

I was excited when I first run this bot. It did work like a charm for me. And I was almost speechless when I saw it working. This is a really useful tool if you want to automate liking of tweets. Just have to run it once and it will do its work on its own.

Shane Watson

Shane Watson

I am in complete......

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