How To Test Load Time Of Websites Via Pingdom Website Speed Test

If you own a website then it is important to check whether it is performing well. And if it is not, then you should know what steps to take in order to make it better. That’s why today I will tell you how to test load time of websites. There is a free online service, calls itself Pingdom Website Test. You can type the URL of a website and then it will show you various stats like page size, load time, content size by type, response codes, and various other details.How To Test Load Time Of Websites Via Pingdom Website Speed Test featured

Using this tool to test load time of websites is pretty simple. You just have to submit the URL of the home page of the website and then it will start testing it. After few seconds of processing, it will show you the detailed report of the speed test that it just has done. After getting details about your website, you can download it as a HAR file. Alternatively, you can share the result to Facebook and Twitter as well.

Test Load Time of Websites Via Pingdom Website Speed Test:

Pingdom website test is a very good tool to optimize your website. You can view the behavior of your website from different locations and see the detailed report about them. The report that it shows is very simple to understand you can easily analyze it. However, there is no option to export the result to an interactive file such as CSV, XLS, etc.

pingdom home page enter url

To test load time of websites via Pingdom Website speed test, open its homepage. After that, use the URL field given on the website to enter the URL of the target website. It will take some time and then it will produce the result of the test it has performed. In the report, you can see various useful stats out of which some are:

Performance Insights:

Here you can see the overall performance report of your website. The tool lists various parameters of the website and gives them score out of 100. You can easily analyze the information about the cache, external CSS, DNS lookup, request size, external JavaScript, etc.

pingdom test performance insights

Content size by content type:

Here, the tool shows the status of the content available on the website whose URL you provided to it. You can see the percentage and size of the various contents types including images, HTML, plain text, script, and others.

pingdom test content by type

Content size by domain:

Here you can see the size of content categorized according to the domain it belongs to. Mainly the scripts and other information like font are used by other domains. And the tool show about them all.

pingdom test content size by domain

This is how you can easily test load time of websites via Pingdom Website Speed Test.


Pingdom Website Speed Test is a very good website to test load time of websites. It is quite useful in case you often make changes to your website. After making changes in the scripts, main page, etc. you can use this tool to ensure that your site is running perfectly. So, hurry up and start using Pingdom Website Speed Test to test load time of websites.

Shane Watson

Shane Watson

I am in complete......

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